
Thanks for liking Grill'd! This is our social home on the information super highway, so check in regularly for updates from Grill’d Burger Base on restaurant openings, promotions, job opportunities and pictures of mouth-watering burgers. Kimbra once sang that love is a two-way street and we couldn’t agree more. This page is also a destination for you, our much-loved customers to share your thoughts and feedback on the Grill’d experience. We’re here to listen and will endeavour to respond to all genuine comments promptly and informatively. But the Internet isn’t all cats and South Korean pop stars – there’s a serious side. While we respect and commend individuals who express their opinions, we have a few guidelines in place to protect our social community from bullying, harassment, illegal activity and general bad juju. We reserve the right to remove/delete posts (and/or report users to Facebook in serious cases) if you engage in any of the below behaviours on this page. Please don’t be offended – we’re just an email away if you feel you have been misrepresented or unfairly treated: 1. Don’t post personal information about yourself or others to the Grill’d Timeline or in post comment threads (such as private addresses or phone numbers). 2. Don’t impersonate or falsely represent any other person. 3. Don’t be abusive, threatening or discriminatory against other members of the community. Grill’d has no time for bigots and trolls. Threats towards others will be immediately reported to Facebook. 4. Don’t make defamatory or libellous comments about anyone – be they related to Grill’d, or simply in the public eye. Celebrities have it bad enough already. 5. Don’t use insulting, obscene or offensive language. We hear some pretty fruity words over the grills sometimes so we’re not prudes, but please try to keep it clean! 6. Don’t post material or links to sites that infringe the intellectual property rights of others. 7. Don’t come here to promote your own commercial interests. If you have an idea for sponsorship or endorsement, go through the correct channels – we’re happy to hear from you: 8. Don’t post multiple versions of the same view - we heard you loud and clear the first time! 9. Spam is one thing you’ll never see in our restaurants, so we don’t want it on our Facebook page either. Do not post chain letters, phishing and other harmful junk links, blatant plugs for products and services unrelated to Grill’d and/or content that could be considered advertising.

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